A mode of gossip as an example of reactionary emotion should not be condemned it should be embraced.

Social media as a platform for violent voices narrating violent language as opposed to the western media apparatus whom imply a smoothened language, a language of inanimacies & non-locality posed next to images of bird-view shots & long-distance footage. It is silent and safe. It is smoothened. It is meant to be read by silent & safe individuals which zaps through the news from the safety of the Western comfort. Minutes later you order your pizza.

When all is safe are violent voices not needed to counter this proposed "safeness" that is used in the language of dominant culture narratives? If the violence is translated into polished language is it not smoothening out the actual violence and act of violence?
As the gossip grows on Social Media Channels, the gossip channel of the marginilized voices, they contaminate bodies from other institutions, contaminates as a virus slipping into the feed, contaminating the feed of "others" in between the spreading of the dominant cultural narratives in the example of news channels.

The contamination of gossip, contiminates and contaminates, slipping into
Reactionary as such, reactianory towards friends & families out of a feeling of unrest. Not being understood. As the
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